Interview: Kristen McGuire explains her secret
The first ever interview...was with the founding editor, Kristen West McGuire. She explains why she was inspired by Edith Stein to start a publishing company for Catholic women.
(What is Secretum Meum Mihi Press? Secretum Meum Mihi is Latin for “My secret is mine,” which was Edith Stein’s response when questioned about her conversion to the Catholic faith in 1922. We believe every woman has a special secret that God created for her to bring to the world.)
SMMP: Why is Edith Stein so inspiring to you? You are nothing like her.
Kristen: I didn't choose Edith, she chose me. In my frustrated hausfrau days (with four kids under the age of five and an absent military hubby)...Edith's life story and intense philosophy rocked my world. Despite being marginalized at almost every turn, her life had great meaning in God's plan. Stick with your vocation and run with it!
SMMP: Why are you trying to bring spirituality into the workplace? Isn't that usually a bad idea?
Kristen: Women are not stereotypes. Some stay-at-home, some work...and many women cycle in and out of the workplace. Some are married, others are single...some are even nuns. But most women find spirituality motivating. They connect with God, and God has answers for each one.
Women have always transformed their cultures - but very few know those stories. There is a lot of career advice out there and it's all good - but some work/life issues are really best kept private. In fact, many work/life challenges have spiritual components. I want to speak to that dynamic, with great encouragement. Integrating spirituality into all of my life is important to me. I am betting I am not the only one.
SMMP: Uh oh! You aren't going to "dialogue", ending up in a muddy mix of platitudes we can all "agree" upon, are you?
K: I want to understand and respect my Christian sisters-- don't you? And, I hope to allow women to share their own unique experiences. I want to celebrate the caregiving roles that women play in every community. Ideological differences are polarizing not just government but also the Church. I believe women have special gifts to bridge those divides. I'd like to see more about social justice in 'conservative' corners, and more about the right to life in 'liberal' corners. I would hope this newsletter will persuade others to chat across the fence occasionally.
SMMP: Who would enjoy MY SECRET IS MINE?
K: Women of all ages and vocations will find here interesting facts, inspiring examples and compelling stories. Got a bible study group? Or a book club? We will post studies and reviews regularly! We'll depend on our readers to give us feedback on the various ways it is working, or not working in that mission. One thing is for sure-- it won't be predictable! So tell us what you like, and what you don't!
SMMP: Is this newsletter going to be "All Edith Stein, All the Time"?
K: The danger is real! Saint Edith Stein is our patroness. (Official Vatican bio here) We will profile compassionate friends (like Edith), kick-butt thinkers (like Edith) and inspiring sisters (like Edith). Edith didn't despair when her career goals were blocked by sexism and ethnic hatred. She buckled down and got to work - and created order out of chaos. No, not every article will mention Edith, but her spirit will inspire all the content. God's handmaidens, just like Mary.
SMMP: How much is this going to cost me?
K: Access to this Substack is free. You can support MY SECRET IS MINE by sharing this Substack with friends, and making pledges to support the development of future content. Paid subscriptions with access to the full archives are accessible on our website. We are publishing books for parish study groups, and intend to start a podcast of interviews as well as an online bible study and book club opportunities.