We pray this month for all people who are persecuted for the practice of their faith.
There is always more history and cultural context than we know - and the individual sufferings of too many innocent victims today loom so large. Mindful that we cannot know the truths contained in their experience, we simply pray— desperately— for peace on earth and an end to religious violence. (And read Psalm 140 as we pray.)
The U.S. Department of State produces a religious freedom report each year, documenting the status of religious freedom in every country in the world. It’s worth a look at locations across the globe with documented persecutions based on religion.
Aid to the Church in Need highlights the needs of Catholics in nations where they are persecuted. You can find prayer intentions, donate funds to help, and learn more about the various countries where Christians are persecuted here.
May we as Christians be humble and beg the Lord for peace on earth. And, in our daily lives, may we witness to the daily opportunities to practice peace among our brothers and sisters.
LORD, we pray:
for Christians who suffer for the faith, that they might be preserved from bodily and emotional harm, and strengthened;
for all clergy who are persecuted for the sake of their beliefs;
for our Jewish brethren, that they would receive strength and courage to overcome the many challenges they face as a people;
for humility and careful diplomacy in our relationships with non-Christians across the globe, that we would be mindful not to minimize the significant religious freedom issues they face;
for the families of the victims, that they might be able to protect themselves and their loved ones, especially children;
for the personal safety of both religious and political leaders who courageously asks for open dialogue about persecution and seeks to end violence;
for an end to religious violence across the world; and
for those who knowingly or unknowingly contribute to the perpetuation of any violence, that they might be enlightened and repent.