Prayer Intentions: For an End to Sexual Abuse and Pornography
Especially for survivors of sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests or bishops
Each month, Secretum Meum Mihi will highlight a particular area worthy of intense intercession. We pray in a special way this month for an end to the scourge of sexual abuse in the Church, as well as an end to pornography in all its forms.
The devastating effects of sexual abuse and betrayal of trust have shocked and disgusted every Catholic. We all have a duty to pray for the victims, and to ensure that those responsible for these crimes are brought to justice.
In Spirit and In Truth shines a light on the actual victims of sexual abuse by clerics, and presents their stories with respect and dignity.
Enough is Enough is a website dedicated to child and family safety online. Their statistics will shock you – and inspire you to pray for us all.
The evidence-based research about pornography addiction is leading non-religious, secular activists to bring awareness to the general public so that they will choose not to make use of pornography and avoid addiction.
In the past twenty years, the FBI reports that the number of cases opened related to sexual assault has grown exponentially, with a similar increase in arrests. If you know someone who has suffered an assault, this is one resource.
LORD, we pray:
* for the victims of sexual abuse and pornography, that they might find advocates who listen and believe them, and help them to access resources for healing and justice;
* for the families of the victims, that they might have courage and be consoled;
* for those who are responsible for tracking and stopping rapists and pornographers, that they might be sustained in strength, wisdom and clarity of purpose;
* for family or friends who suspect a sexual assault has occurred, that they might have the courage to report it to the proper authorities;
* for the complete repentance of those who have committed sexual assault in any form; and
* for those who knowingly or unknowingly contribute to the perpetuation of pornography, that they might be enlightened and repent.