Need a baby shower gift? Wish you could give some faith-filled advice without being too preachy?
Here it is!
The Glory to Be Revealed in You: A Spiritual Companion to Pregnancy, was released by Secretum Meum Mihi Press on the Feast of the Annunciation. (This is the revised and updated edition of a book originally published by Alba House in 1994.)
Each chapter addresses the normal concerns of expectant parents as pregnancy progresses. Using quotations from the Bible and spiritual mentors in the Catholic Church, there are weekly meditations with space for journaling. The appendix on natural family planning is not confrontational, but presents the Church’s teaching carefully and positively.
The advent of a new life can also be an "advent" of new life in the Spirit, for both mother and father. The Glory to be Revealed in You is a reflection on faith and motherhood, searching out the special graces God gives through His creative power. The Virgin Mary spent nine months anticipating the birth of her divine Son. With her, pregnant women everywhere also magnify the Lord and give thanks to God their Savior as they await in joy the glory to be revealed in them. (Romans 8:18)